Third Party event facilitation
The role of a facilitator is to help a ‘group’ advance on what it wants to achieve – without making the group permanently dependent on the external facilitation. Choosing sequenced methods, the facilitator offers a coherent process to achieve the objective, in a manner that ensures focus and inclusion.

Third Party partnership brokering
Partnership brokers help different organised interest groups, from within the same sector or across sectors, to explore and decide whether they can work together more as ‘partners’ rather than in transactional relationships. They can also accompany the partnership through its life cycle, particularly at important moments e.g. when new entities join the partnerships or original ones leave, when a certain level of frustration arises or when the partnership has achieved what it set out to do.

Design, management and /or facilitation of multi-stakeholder processes (MSP)
In today’s world, we often find ourselves with multiple stakeholders that want to exercise influence, while there is no overriding authority. A multi-stakeholder process is different from the functional implementation of decisions taken by a formal authority. It requires a different design and planning, and strong process-management skills. Who needs to be involved, and how you will handle these involvements, is at least as important a starting point as what you want to achieve. We can help you at different stages, and in different roles, such as ‘connector’, ‘process facilitator’, ‘reviewer’ or ‘evaluator’ of MSP processes.

Networks, coalitions, coordinating bodies
Review or evaluation of their functioning, governance, perceived effectiveness

Koenraad Van Brabant is a certified ‘partnership broker’ (Partnership Brokers Association) and trained in Organisational and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC). Smruti Patel is a certified Being at Full Potential coach.

GMI Insights on Partnerships - Start with a guided tour to the GMI Insights on partnering papers

1- Challenges in Partnership Governance: some attention points and tips
2- Partnerships: Preconditions, principles and practices
3- Relationship Management Skills in Organisational Partnerships
4- No Shared Risk No Partnership?
5- Value Contributions in Partnerships
6- Grant Agreements and Partnership Agreements. Towards a new level of maturity and competency
7 -
Anatomy of Power. An invitation for reflection on your organisation’s use of power. English / French / Spanish
Donors and Equitable Partnerships with National and Local Actors. Main report
Donors and Equitable Partnerships with National and Local Actors. Executive summary
9 -
The Relationship/Partnership Maturity Index
10 -
Expanding your understanding of power. English / French / Spanish
From Risk Transfer to Risk Sharing
Multi-stakeholder steering groups: render behavioural expectations explicit
Risk Sharing in Practice. Getting started.

Choosing a Facilitator: what to look for

I had the honour of working with Koenraad during the Business Agility Conference in Vienna where he was co-facilitating small group conversations. His experience and expertise in leading executives through complex topics (such as organisation design and leadership agility) for the benefit of all was instrumental to the success of the event. We couldn’t have done it without him.
— Evan Leybourn, Founder Business Agility Institute
Koenraad helped AFSC’s International Programme design and facilitate a two-day strategy meeting with 55 staff around a global security framework and vision. We had participants from all AFSC’s regions and Washington D.C. and UN engagement offices. His facilitation experience, analytical skills and willingness to be flexible were integral to making it a successful meeting.
— Marianne Elias, AFSC International Programme
The Board and staff of IFPD are extremely grateful to Koenraad and Smruti for having led us through a revision of the Foundation’s strategy and establishing the basis for a renewed five year strategic plan. Both Koenraad Van Brabant and Smruti Patel have been very forthcoming, easy-going personalities and it is a pleasure to work with them. Their extensive experience in field work in various countries, as well as their competence as consultants brought much insight into our discussions. All participants in our “strategic retreat” have learned much from Koenraad and Smruti through their leadership and guidance in a challenging exercise. We highly recommend these two consultants to any organisation in need of revising their strategy or projects.
— Christine Magistretti-Naville, Chair of the Board, IFPD
Koenraad created an excellent atmosphere for critical reflection and analysis, while keeping an eye on the required end result and the way forward. This resulted in well-balanced discussions, which at certain moments were allowed to go their way, and at other moments were assisted by the facilitator. Having someone who is both an expert in the field we are working on, and a very experienced facilitator of such planning processes, proved to be of great added value.
— Focal point for the regional Great Lakes programme of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Almost all the participants of this Charter4Change annual meeting found the meeting highly productive and to a good extent the credit of that goes to your facilitation skills. It was just not an assignment for you, but your passion towards the localisation process which ensured throughout the meeting that local voices get heard and their concerns incorporated in the plan.
— Sudhanshu Singh, Executive Director, Humanitarian Aid International
Merci pour pas mal de choses. D’abord pour m’avoir introduit au ‘Manuel pour une Dialogue Démocratique’ qui m’a été très util pour cette formation sur la dialogue au Maroc. Puiss aussi pour m’avoir apris à réflechir et à adapter la méthode et le contenu chaque jour d’un atelier. Finalement pour m’avoir inspiré à utiliser des questions pertinentes et l’importance d’écouter vraiment ce que disent et ressentent nos participants.
— Jean-Paul Chami consultant/formation en consolidation de paix
Feedback très positif de l’équipe. Elles ont beaucoup apprécié ton approche, la manière dont tu as mené le processus. Merci!
— Sophia Procofieff, Cheffe de Service, Office de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse, Canton de Genève
Dear Koenraad and Smruti, I am so pleased for getting to know you both where we tapped your wisdom and experience over the last four sessions. I must be frank that your sessions as well your guest speakers were all insightful and refreshing to the experience I already have.
— Ethiopian participant in VENRO sessions on partnering