Organisational Development

Is Our Governing Board Fit-for-the-Future?
Effective and Accountable Boards of Trustees: Some pointers
Civil Society Governance: Do you set standards?
The 5 Capabilities Organisational Framework
We didn’t Hire your CV, we Hired You! Approaches to organisational assessment and development
Organisational Development: Matching understandings and expectations
Good Leadership and Good Followership
Change Processes: A reminder of essentials
Capacity-development in International Cooperation: Time to get serious
Most Training does not Develop Organisational Capacity: What we need to do differently
Beyond Knowledge Management: Key enablers for the learning organisation
Rules and Values: Develop both or limp along
Expand your Power: An invitation for reflection
When did your Team last Discuss Decision-making?
Complexity, Contractors and Consultants
Choosing a Facilitator? Tips what to look for
The Competencies of Capacity- or Organisational Developers
Expert Advisors: Other competencies needed to strengthen institutional performance
Team Competencies Can Be Learned
Catalysing Change: Some practical tips

TIME TO PUT OUR COMMITMENTS INTO PRACTICE: bibliography of localisation

Partnering and Partnership Brokering

Partnerships: Pre-conditions, principles, practices
Challenges in Partnership Governance: Some attention points and tips
Prepared for Partnership? Trust and distrust in international cooperation
Localisation: Partnership chronicles

Personal Development and Wellbeing

World Work and Inner Work: How are we doing?

Conflict, Peace and Security

Conflict Analysis: 13 weaknesses to avoid
The Humanitarian-Development-Peace & Security Nexus: A quick introduction (with the CCDP, Graduate Institute Geneva)
Local Peace Capacities: What questions to ask?
Dancing with the Extractive Industry: The limits of normative policies and guidance
Good Conflict-Sensitivity and Peace-building Donorship
Strategic and Collective Conflict-Sensitivity: Through the lens of the Rohingya response in Bangladesh
Developmental Approaches in Contested States: Extreme caution required
Conflict-sensitivity, accountability to affected populations, risk management and protection: How do they relate to each other?
Conflict-sensitivity: Some misunderstandings and a blind spot?


Evaluating Mediation and Peacebuilding in Ongoing Conflict. What have we learned about good practices in mediation and peacebuilding? October 2023
Evaluating Mediation and Peacebuilding in Ongoing Conflict. Correct use of the OECD criteria and implications for evaluation and evaluators June 2023
Conceptualising a Real-Time Review or Evaluation? Tips for Terms of Reference
Evaluative Thinking. Beyond monitoring and evaluation
Humanitarian Evaluation. Include Grand Bargain references

People Participation

Bring ‘Humanity’ and ‘Dignity’ Back into the Relief Industry

Concerned Citizenship

Europe’s Democracies and their Discontents. Listening to the grievances
Not in Our Name: Open letters and petition against western governments practices regarding the Occupied Territories
To Vote or Not to Vote: Is that the question?
Soft Power USA: How does the USA pull back from the hardened divisions
COVID-19: Pandemics as a governance issue
Preventing Violent Populism: Europeans need to have the difficult conversations
Bougainville to Brexit: Peacebuilding help with referendum pains