Welcome to Global Mentoring Initiative
Organisations are ‘ice-bergs’: The visible aspects such as structure, policies, procedures, assets, cash flow and reserves etc. are an important but only partial aspect of an organisation. Much of what influences its actual performance is ‘invisible’, ‘intangible’, ‘below the waterline’.
Our Mission
GMI is a values-based and purpose-driven consultancy that provides facilitation, individual, team, and organisational coaching support, supports interagency collaboration through partnership brokering, and offers advisory, training, review, evaluation, and research services in certain thematic and methodological areas, to organisations working in complex and volatile contexts.
Our mission is to contribute to better practices, underpinned and supported by healthy relationships, where people find deeper meaning, can be at their full potential and thrive. Our core experience is in international cooperation, particularly in crisis-situations caused by natural disasters or violence and conflict. But many people around the world now face rapidly changing circumstances, greater unpredictability and disruption. All of us need to learn to be more agile, adaptive, resilient, individually and as teams. Our skills and approaches are more widely applicable in the private and public sectors.
We facilitate knowledge sharing between mentors for forward learning and promoting best practice.
Our Approach
Our engagement is based on certain fundamental premises that come out of our own experiences but also solid confirmation from organisations, management literature produced by business schools and management consultancies.